We all know that timing is everything in our lives. Choosing right time for starting important life events has huge impact on how this event will succeed from its beginning to its end. E.g. if you enter new job in time which is totally unfavorable, then you may feel unhappy and unsuccessful in this job during the whole period of your employment. That is why it is so important to make essential steps in life during right periods. Only then you can be much more satisfied and use the full capacity of the moment.
Finding a new job is a major step in everyone´s life. Well chosen moment when to enter into new job will bring you not only dream position but also a position which is suitable to life phase in which you can currently be found in. Finding new job at the right time will influence the way you will experience your new job for whole period of your employment – for better or worse.
I will try to find closest day and time for you. You can write me your perception. Time which is taken as final is phone call with chosen company. You will simply call them on the time which I will calculate for you. This is the right time for this event (not sending the e-mail or reading the ad). It does not matter with whom you will speak by the phone. Only then you will send CV to chosen company.
Right timing of events: New job
$ 119.00
We all know that timing is everything in our lives. Choosing right time for starting important life events has huge impact on how this event will succeed from its beginning to its end. E.g. if you enter new job in time which is totally unfavorable, then you may feel unhappy and unsuccessful in this job during the whole period of your employment. That is why it is so important to make essential steps in life during right periods. Only then you can be much more satisfied and use the full capacity of the moment.
Finding a new job is a major step in everyone´s life. Well chosen moment when to enter into new job will bring you not only dream position but also a position which is suitable to life phase in which you can currently be found in. Finding new job at the right time will influence the way you will experience your new job for whole period of your employment – for better or worse.
I will try to find closest day and time for you. You can write me your perception. Time which is taken as final is phone call with chosen company. You will simply call them on the time which I will calculate for you. This is the right time for this event (not sending the e-mail or reading the ad). It does not matter with whom you will speak by the phone. Only then you will send CV to chosen company.
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