When Uranus hits you it´s like lightning – you never see it coming
We – people are strange creatures. We would rather die than change anything in our lives – even if this old way of living does not serve us anymore. That´s why Uranus transits can be so scary for most of us.
Uranus transits are transits of slowly moving planet, that´s why they are important experiences in our lifes. These transits usually enter your life like volcano and shake up all your world and status quo you hold onto. Uranus does not ask you for permission. Have you been sleepwalking through your life for quite some time? Then Uranus transit is here to wake you up to your greater potential. Life is about change and growth. If you are no longer doing that, then Uranus transit will come to your life to wake you up. These changes are for your good. Even if you would not put it this way initially, later on you will find out that changes were important and could not be avoided.
As stated above, Uranus transits are all about change. But this is not that kind of change which can be anticipated. Here I am talking about sudden, unexpected change which is not always welcome. This is the change you should not resist. Old structures will not survive during this transit. You must be flexible and modernize your life. Key question here would be: How much freedom do you allow for yourself? How you handle changes is crucial with this transit. If you have strong Aquarius chart, planets in Aquarius or Uranus in aspect with personal planets, then you are used to changes in your own life, so having this transit can be exciting experience for you. But if you are a person with strong Saturn influence in your chart, then you will resist all kind of changes in your life and this transit can be even painful for you. Being stuck in routine is very much about the ego. Ego likes routine and known ways of doing things, doing life.
Areas of your life which will be affected by this transit depend on few things: position of planet Uranus in your birth chart; through which house is Uranus transiting currently; which aspect Uranus makes to your natal chart planet and where in your chart is this planet placed and which house is ruled by this planet. If we combine all these inputs from above, we get clear picture of what you can expect to happen to you during transit in your life on material plane.
One of the most important astrological transits is transiting Uranus to your birth chart Mars. This transit is sometimes considered as dangerous one. Here we combine forces which are unexpected and uncontrollable (Uranus) and these are hitting planet of action and drive (Mars). Your actions will be somehow erratic, restless, behavior is on-again, off-again situations will exist. Anything can happen during this transit – sudden injury, car accident, even hitting by electricity is common. Usually few areas of your life are stroke in a big way. So watch out for this one!