Selena Gomez has Venus in the 1st house and is Miss Popularity
If you have planet Venus in the 1st house of the horoscope someone may say that many things come into your life effortlessly. Ask someone with strong Capricorn in their chart how hard they have to work to make things happen for them. On the opposite side, there is you – many times you just had luck in different areas of your life. This position of the Venus can ease your life situations and dramatic life experiences are typically very well avoided with this position. Venus is also planet of luck, so sometimes you just had luck in your life. Venus in the 1st house is some kind of protection from life for you. If you have Venus in the strong sign, such as Libra or Pisces you will really profit from this position. If Venus is in the bad sign, like in Virgo, you may be prone to plastic surgeries.
Love plays a big role in your life. You have narcissistic tendencies and you enjoy being self-centered. You long for admiration because every Venus wants to be loved. You want people to notice you and give you affection. If love is in any way witheld from you, you suffer a lot. You might suffer to the point of becoming manipulative person. Of course, planet Venus is more of shallow beauty, in you, that wishy washy chitchats with your friends, but once Venus love is threatened, you are not afraid to use any tactic to gain love of your lover back. You might be physically beautiful as the 1st house of the chart is also connected to our body and appearance. Even if you are not, there will be something about you – charisma – that is very present and helpful in your own life. You are surely the person who likes nice things in life, nice clothes, make up, last trends on how you can pull yourself together.. and like to surround yourself with beauty in any form. Beauty is the word associated with planet Venus. You will seek beauty in your life. This is also closely connected to your politeness, you hate being rude and cannot stand rude people at all.