Pamela Anderson has adverse aspect between Venus and Neptune in her birth chart
Do you believe in fairytale?
If you have hard aspect between these two planets in your birth chart, you certainly do. Love is very important thing for you but you are experiencing it not in very pleasing manner. If we combine in hard aspect planet of love – Venus with the planet of the higher octave of love – which is Neptune we get a few things. Neptune is that foggy, untouchable, unbelieveble and sometimes unexisting thing. Neptune is associated with Hollywood juicy operas, glamorous life style and love romances which are so strong that can conquer it all. Neptune in hard aspect to any personal planet in your chart creates illusion. Something what you just think is there, but it is actually not. Neptune is also the height of romantic love but when in adverse aspect to Venus, we see usually his trouble side.
I believe that if you have this aspect you worn rose-colored glasses in your love life every time.
Especially your youth was probably hard when hitting the reality of this aspect. You love to dream about your romantic partner and you seek nothing less than perfection in your love experiences. You are the person who loves to idealize and romanticize about your romantic partner. You are that type of person who puts the other on the pedestal and refuse to see his or her red flags. And this can last not only for months (because at the beginning we all are blinded by love) but for you it may last for years! You project all of your fantasies and best qualities to your partner but as he is a human after all, then – later on you feel very disapointed and betrayed. With this aspect you must be cautious to whom you will commit. If you have your best friend or family, ask them on their opinion on your new love interest. They see your situation realistically, but you don´t. Surely you have been through some tough love lessons with this combination – your partner probably cheated on you, he might be an addict or he stole your money. These all are common scenarios with this aspect.
You outta know that with hard Venus-Neptune aspect in your birth chart you have savior complex. You either want to save your partner or expect for some kind of Prince on the horse to save you. You tend to see only good in your partner – despite his behavior towards you. Your lover can take advantage of you and can use you for many years but you simply refuse to admit the truth. This combination is also responsible to be in love with somoene who is already taken, or you yourself can experience extramarital affairs… This combination is also responsible that you were probably in love with celebrities during your youth. You also believe that if you will love your partner uncondionally, he will change for the better. Commonly, you are also persuaded, that no one understands him and people only want to separate you because they are jealous that you have found your soul mate… Well, with this aspect hitting the rock bottom can be sometimes tough. You must be aware, that you love to build your castles in the sky but in reality you may not know who that person really is. Venus is also planet connected to money. If you have adverse aspect between Venus and Neptune, there can be some financial losses during your life, simply because you have too naive approach to your finances.
But as you are getting older, you are capable to manage your Neptune issues better. You can simply outgrow this blind romantic illusion you hold about every new object of your interest. You are capable to be more cautious in love but usually after few tough love lessons. Even if we experience Neptune-Venus transit there is great risk to fall in love with the perfect picture of someone but than later on we will find out that we made a huge mistake. That´s why I always warn clients to really consider twice starting new relationships during this transit. However, this aspect in its pure form is very creative, spritual and artistic and can be very helpful in careers oriented to arts, painting, music etc.