Neptune contacts in synastry should be searched with utmost delicacy
Synastry is comparison of two birth charts, when we are putting them on each other and see what happens, how two people get each other.. When we see strong Neptune contacts in synastry, you better be careful with your relationship. Neptune can go two ways with each planet it touches. I believe, that outcome of how Neptune can be held in relationship depends on kind of aspect it creates in synastry. When we experience easy aspects in synastry (trine, sextile and sometimes conjunction), then relationship feels like heaven on earth. It can go beyond everything you have ever experienced in your own love life. Positive Neptune contacts in synastry are responsible for unconditional love, lot of compassion between lovers and very polite acceptance of each other.
Neptune contacts are very dreamy, so there is usually risk of not seing the other party clearly. Fortunately, when we have smooth aspects in synastry, there is potential to experience kind love. Common question is – who feels this connection more? Neptune person or person who has personal planet involved in this contact? From my perspective, I can say that it is typically person with personal planet who feels it more. It is simple – Neptune is very much generational planet and moves very slowly in the sky. That´s why if you have f.i. Neptune trine Moon in your synastry, it will be Moon person who will be emotionally hooked by Neptune person. Neptune person will be less aware of what is going on between them and how profound is his influence on Moon person.